Thursday 31 July 2008

Peter Musch ©
Bene Altschuh © ©

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Ready to go!

Tomorrow morning we leave rainy Belgium for rainy Fuessen, Germany. On Friday we'll do some sightseeing, and maybe a few miles on the bike to remind our legs what cycling is like. Next post may only happen after our return to Belgium, so feel free to follow our progress via the daily updates on . To all our competitors: good luck!

Thursday 10 July 2008


All the training is done. Time to get the bikes set up and prepare our bags. Time to study some stage information, looking forward, and thinking back on past experiences as well... Remember the nineties: rides in the Ardennes (camping in Houffalize) or across the Karpati and Tatra mountains. We got some skills there. Now we're older and stronger and ready for the sublime Alps.